Happy Tuesday, Everyone! Today’s Senior Spotlight is Maya. Maya came to Field in 7th grade and now she’s heading to the College of William and Mary to study Linguistics and Spanish. During her time at Field, Maya has been very involved in our community, playing two sports and she's the Ceramics Studio Manager, among other things. Keep reading to discover her favorite memories from her time at Field.
What major or subject area are you planning to pursue in college?
Linguistics and Spanish
What grade level did you enter Field?
Why did you choose to attend The Field School?
I chose to attend The Field School because of the small class sizes and project-based learning.
What has been your favorite class at Field?
My favorite classes have been Spanish 3 and Advanced Biology. Spanish 3 is where I fell in love with learning Spanish and where the language began to click for me. In Advanced Biology, I learned great study strategies and produced academic work that I am really proud of.
What sports/clubs did you take part in at Field?
What is your favorite memory from your time at Field?
My favorite memories from Field were going on the trip to Spain and playing volleyball during the senior trip.
What will you miss most about Field?
I will miss my friends, the teachers, playing on the Field volleyball team, and working in the ceramics studio.
What is your advice for future Field seniors?
Try to do as much college application work as possible the summer before senior year.
How did Field prepare you for your next chapter?
Field has helped me with time management and discovering organization strategies for learning that work best for me. Field has also helped me gain the confidence to explore new interests.