Meet Jamie! He started at Field in 10th grade and now he’s heading to Vassar College to study Cognitive Science. Jamie has many talents and interests, including tennis, marine science, and music, among other things. Keep reading to find out the important advice he has for rising Field seniors.
What major or subject area are you planning to pursue in college?
Cognitive Science
What grade level did you enter Field?
Why did you choose to attend The Field School?
I decided to attend Field because after attending a large STEM-focused school, I yearned for a rigorous yet supportive academic environment with teachers that would push me past my comfort zone in humanities courses.
What has been your favorite class at Field?
My favorite class at Field was my 11th grade U.S. History class. History 11 taught me how to think critically about the media I was consuming every day, which I believe is an essential life skill. It was my hardest class, but also a class that gave me the space to strive. If you asked my teacher to summarize my work in one sentence, she'd probably tell you "he bites off more than he can chew.”
What sports/clubs did you take part in at Field?
What is your favorite memory from your time at Field?
I always think about the moment when I finished performing "Just" by Radiohead at an assembly, and the whole audience burst into applause. I practiced the song over and over in class, struggling to nail the difficult solo section. I was so nervous to perform, but I nailed it on stage, and I managed to make a sleepy 8:45am assembly and actually show some energy for an unexpected performance.
What will you miss most about Field?
I'll miss the support that every single teacher offered me leading up to big projects. Individual check-ins and pep talks as they always reignited my motivation to shoot for the stars.
What is your advice for future Field seniors?
I would tell every upcoming senior to create something they're proud of. At Field, we often get the opportunity to explore topics that personally interest us. So why not make a project that you love? I still look back on some of my English and history papers proudly as pieces of work that encapsulate my abilities to combine research and writing with my identity.
How did Field prepare you for your next chapter?
Field taught me how to learn. Before coming to Field, I was honestly struggling with motivation and critical function. By 11th grade, I was intrinsically motivated to study Calculus and Psychology topics that stretched beyond our in-class curriculum. I even ended up receiving awards like being a National Merit Scholarship Finalist. I don’t think I'll struggle to keep up in college, knowing that I've learned to love learning.