Connor '25

Connor '25
Senior Spotlight College Counseling

Our next Senior Spotlight is Connor! Connor comes from a long line of Field graduates — his mom and his brother. Connor came to Field in 6th grade and is heading to New York City next fall to study musical theatre at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy. During his time at Field, Connor has been very involved in theatre — performing in every show. Keep reading to discover his favorite memory from his time here. 


What major or subject area are you planning to pursue in college?

Musical Theatre

What grade level did you enter Field?


What has been your favorite class at Field and why?

My favorite class I've had throughout my seven years has been English 11 with Kevin Ford. Before that, English was a class I struggled with. However, Kevin was such a relatable and encouraging teacher, that I fell in love with reading and writing. The class brought up fascinating units, such as the justice system, and I felt extremely invested in the conversations in a way that I hadn't in years. I felt confident to speak up in class and I pushed myself as a reader and a writer. Even now, that class inspired me to start writing and reading in my spare time; something I wouldn't have considered before my junior year. That class was genuinely the first time I clawed my way towards an A-, and was genuinely proud of the work I had done. I ended up pinning my favorite essay – that got an A- – on my wall. I miss that class every day.

What sports/clubs did you take part in at Field?

  • Field Theatre
  • Thespian Troupe (Historian)

What is your favorite memory from your time at Field?

The one I've been thinking of a lot recently has been this one English 11 class. We were reading the script for Twelve Angry Men, and I had been 'cast' as juror 3 (I think), and I was supposed to give this whole monologue, and as an actor, I got really into it. I had to be stopped halfway through because my teacher wanted to point out something within the text, but when I did stop, people clapped. 

What will you miss most about Field?

I’m going to miss the courses. 

What is your advice for future Field seniors?

Take the classes you want. Of course, it depends on what you're hoping to study in college, but I deeply regret not taking multiple English classes. Make sure you know WHY you aren't taking classes and make sure you really enjoy your senior year.

How did Field prepare you for your next chapter?

While I am still not great at this, Field taught me how to communicate openly. I have and will always have trouble asking for help, but Field has given me less shame about it, and I've learned that sometimes it's better to admit that you messed up early before things snowball, and that asking for help is a good trait to have — it’s not a sign of weakness.

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Connor '25